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International travel is an incredible, priceless experience, but there are certain safety concerns that a person should always address before traveling.

But there is a lot more to it than sharing your travel itinerary with a trusted love one, depending on where you want to go.

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People Describe The Most 'American' Thing They've Ever Seen
Frank McKenna/Unsplash

If the stereotypes about Americans irk you, this article is likely to make your eye do that thing where the bottom lid gets all twitchy... don't say we didn't warn you.

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Foreigners Explain Which Things Confuse Them Most About America
Image by Ronile from Pixabay

America can be very confusing. I'm American, and even I don't know what the hell is going on. Health care, schooling, etiquette- none of it seems to make even a tiny bit of sense. We certainly do our own thing over here.

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People Reveal Which Things They Believe Europeans Are Better At Than Americans

There has always been a pretty healthy sense of rivalry between Americans and Europeans. Each side generally thinks that it is the superior one, and it can lead to some interesting conversations.

There are definitely some things that each group is better at, though.

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Americans usually have the problem of thinking they're special but being especially un-special.

But sometimes we do win the special medal--for having this problem that literally NO OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE.

Honestly, these problems are usually CAUSED by American special snowflake syndrome.

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