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brown and black octopus in water
Diane Picchiottino on Unsplash

Now that everyone has access to the internet, it's a lot easier to learn a bunch of stuff ... about a bunch of stuff.

But some people take great delight in deep dives on Wikipedia, and that can lead to a lot of completely random knowledge.

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People Share Which Things They Would Change About Airports If They Could
Image by Jan VaΕ‘ek from Pixabay

For some people, airports can be the bane of their existence. Being trapped in a high security building for extended periods of time without the freedom of leaving, paired with the stress of keeping up with the ever changing plane schedules can be exhausting. There is certainly room for improvement here, and these Redditors have some solid ideas.

u/SpecialEffectStevie asked: What would you actually change about airports?

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Adults Explain To The Younger Generations What It Was Like To Fly Before 9/11

Evil changed the world as we knew it on September 11th, 2001.

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Chrissy Teigen Shows Us All How To Properly 'Live' At The Airport While Documenting Her 16-Hour Layover πŸ˜‚
Photo via Chrissy Teigen/Instagram

Chrissy Teigen seems to have bad luck with flying and airports.

After documenting several instances of insanely long flights or flights that literally go nowhere, she gave us every travel tip in her book when she spent 16 hours at London-Heathrow Airport and decided she "lived" there.

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Many think of the pilot's life as a glamorous one. Free travel, automatic respect in uniform, and the thrill of actually flying a plane all sound exciting to non-pilots everywhere. But Jon from has lived that life and he has some disappointing news: it's not so great.

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