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The Dumbest Things The TSA Has Given Passengers A Hard Time About

Reddit user B2utyyo asked: 'What's the stupidest reasons the TSA gave you a hard time?'

airport check-in

Phil Mosley on Unsplash

The United States Department of Homeland Security was created November 25, 2002 in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Some existing agencies were transferred to the jurisdiction of the newly created cabinet post.

Among the agencies moved to Homeland Security were Customs and Border Protection, Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Secret Service and the United States Coast Guard.

Some agencies were created to address new security measures then placed under Homeland Security. Among the new agencies created post 9/11 was the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

TSA was created on November 19, 2001, to "improve airport security procedures and consolidate air travel security under a dedicated federal administrative law enforcement agency." TSA handles security for transportation systems within and connecting to the United States.

For most people, their interaction with TSA is at the airport. Those interactions aren't always pleasant for travelers.

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Diane Picchiottino on Unsplash

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Oskar Kadaksoo on Unsplash

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Airport Security Workers Share The Weirdest Things They've Ever Found In Someone's Luggage
Photo by Pascal Meier on Unsplash

Why do we try to be sketchy when it comes to what we plan to travel with? The things we assume we can get away with in a post-9/11 world is astonishing. Being an airport security person has got to often be hilarious. You rummage through someone'e private bits as part of your job, it's suppose to be routine and then the next thing you know.... scandal honey! There are just somethings better left as a carry-on.

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Airport Security Workers of Reddit, what's the weirdest but still legal thing you found in someone's bag?
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