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The Biggest Misconceptions People Had About Adulthood

Reddit user Caseated_Omentum asked: 'What's the biggest misconception you had about adulthood?'

Shocked little boy wearing dress clothes and holding a book
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

When we were kids, we could not wait to grow up. We had big dreams about what we were going to do and who we were going to be, and we could not wait to get started.

But there were some things we were expecting that were totally off the mark, too.

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People Who Moved Out Of Their Parents' Home Before Turning 30 Share Their Experiences
Michal Balog/Unsplash

After having grown up inside the protective environment that was your childhood home, the inevitable time to leave and carve out your own path without a safety net can be terrifying.

Emotions can vary–with some people itching to leave their trappings while others terrified of adulting in the real world.

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People Confess Which 'Adulting' Tasks They're So Tired Of Performing
Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

We may not like it, but getting older is pretty inevitable.

With age may come wisdom, but it also comes with lots of responsibilities.

And some days, we're just over it.

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People Break Down The One Childish Thing They Still Do To This Day
Zach Reiner/Unsplash

Someone once said that you're not really "old" until you stop playing - stop making the little choices for joy and fun in your daily life.

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People Explain Which Irrational Fears They Had As Children That They Never Quite Grew Out Of
Image by Pezibear from Pixabay

No matter how much therapy I attend there are just some issues from childhood I'll never be fully free from; in particular, crippling fears and specific haunts. And I know I'm not alon. I'm still no fan of the dark and I always give sufficient credence to any and all superstitions, there is no reason to tempt fate; especially since I've made it this far.

I loathe most insects, snakes and anything that resembles a rat. And I actually think those are healthy issues. Some fears are just unshakeable. Do you agree?

Redditor u/Chaelaminsky1990 wanted to hear about details of the past that so many of us just can't seem to outrun, by asking:

What irrational fear did you have as a kid that you thought you'd grow out of but never did?
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