Sam Spadafore

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People Divulge The Strangest Thing They Realized About A Family Member Growing Up
Ben White/Unsplash

Traditionally, when you're a kid, the adults in your life may try to shield you from the realities of the world. But eventually, we realize our parents are also people with full lives lead before we were even a glimmer in their eye.

Once you've grown up, you might put together the pieces you couldn't see when you were younger.

As we lose our innocence, we come to find out a lot of strange things may have been happening right in front of us, but only time would reveal those truths.

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People Debate Whether They'd Bag Groceries For A Living If It Paid $100k Per Year
Liuba Bilyk/Unsplash

Currently, the federal minimum wage in the U.S. is $7.25. There's still a large portion of the population, 1.6 million people, who are working at or below the minimum wage as of 2019.

With inflation, this number really doesn't add up when we look at the cost of living.

Tons of minimum wage workers would want to make $100k per year if they had the chance. But would the money be worth the often boring, repetitive, and even physically demanding jobs?

We went to AskReddit to find out.

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People Share The $75-Or-Less Purchases That Give Them The Most Joy
Harry Cunningham/Unsplash

You may have heard of the phrase "retail therapy" before, which is the act of buying things for personal enjoyment.

Well, there's some truth to that.

The University of Michigan actually studied the affects of shopping on our sadness levels. Purchasing something you enjoy can actually decrease sadness 40 times better than not purchasing something.

There are tons of other benefits like dopamine increases, anxiety reduction and improved mood. We wanted to know what people are buying to give them that rush of happy hormones and increase their joy.

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People Share The Things That Require More Heroism Than People Are Given Credit For
Jessica Podraza/Unsplash

When we think of a "hero" we might think of someone in a cape who's saving civilians from terror. Or maybe we think of the essential workers we've called heroes throughout the pandemic.

Heroism is simply defined as "great bravery," according to Oxford Languages.

If being a hero is about showing courage, bravery and strength, heroic feats happen all around us every day with ordinary people.

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People Break Down Their School's Most Unethical Practices
Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

Egregious acts and unethical practices have happened in schools since they first began.

Not too long ago, the news was filled with stories and commentary on Paris Hilton's YouTube documentary where she opened up about her time in the troubled teen industry.

In Canada, the Indigenous community is bringing home the lost native children that were discovered in unmarked graves in former residential schools. The same reckoning began in the U.S. in 2016.

Though we may not be seeing these extreme examples of unethical actions in public schools today, there are still grievances among our youth. We went to AskReddit to hear about the things we force our students to bear.

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