Alan Herrera

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The world is a really cool and often strange place. We meet all kinds of people and have different experiences. So many people take different paths. Why would these paths ever collide again, right? It makes sense, at least on paper.

A coincidence is defined as a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.

That means a bunch of little things had to fall in place for a coincidence to happen, which shouldn't be a surprise because life is often all about timing.

That'll be on your mind when you read the following entries.

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When you first hear of couples sleeping in separate rooms, you might think this is a sign of a marriage on the rocks.

It isn't always the case, though it's understandable why the average person would think.

Society gives us this idea that married couples should do everything together, so the idea that a couple might sleep in separate rooms sounds like heresy!

If anything, however, doing so might just be the reason why some marriages work.

So why do people decide sleeping in different rooms makes sense?

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Divorce lawyers see a lot of drama.

Divorce can be a very messy process and tensions and emotions can run high. That's why so many couples have a hard time disentangling themselves from each other... and the worst matches have been known to do everything in their power to screw the other party over.

Sometimes the results are funny and sometimes they're horrible (or maybe even a mix of both).

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Years ago, people insisted that the best way to get a job would be to just walk into an office and hand someone your resume.

And you know what? I suppose that—for a time—it worked.

The job market of today is nothing like the job market of the past, and, truth be told, I did follow that advice when I was younger (and yes, I managed to secure a job or two in the process).

But given the state of things, it's clear that advice like this doesn't hold up anymore, and it's far from the only advice that falls into this bracket.

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Ah, the 1990s. A simpler time.

Blockbuster Video was king. I remember when DVDs first became a thing and they were such a novelty item. We kept our VCR with us for a long time even as we upgraded. There was something about going to the store and just browsing for a long time and coming across cool and interesting titles that took my breath away.

I recently watched this Netflix show called Blockbuster, a comedy about the last Blockbuster in the United States. I cannot recommend it. The 1990s fill us with such nostalgia, of course, it's just a shame to see people capitalize on that nostalgia in such an uncreative way.

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