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Before 2020 ZOOM almost seemed like a novelty way to work and play.

Now, it's the mainstay.

Wow, this has been a long two years.

And oh my goodness, the things we've seen because of it?!

ZOOM has given us a literal window into one another's worlds,

and some of those worlds are a "WTF is happening" situation.

Redditoryarakmansarak1wanted to hear about all the ZOOM calls that have left many of us SHOOKETH! SO they asked:

"What is the most terrifying thing that happened during a Zoom Call?"
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Teachers Break Down The Most Disturbing Thing They've Seen On A Student's Zoom
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

The pandemic has forced us to bring videoconferencing into prominence, and it seems there is not turning back when it comes to the convenient way of communiation.

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People Share Their Worst 'S***, I Forgot To Mute My Mic' Zoom Experiences
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

If there were any moments of levity came out of the last year, it most surely was mic fails during Zoom calls.

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People Share Their Most Embarrassing 'Oops, Wrong Group Chat' Moments

In the immortal words of Ms. Britney Spears... Oops I did it again. Well, who hasn't? In this time of Covid we've been forced to meet over computer screens and thrive in ZOOM meetings. This is not a conducive way to live. Maybe I'm an eight hundred year old man, but I can't figure it all out and I don't care. I can't get the video to work, let alone the audio. And I've lost track of the "groups" that I keep mixing up. Can you imagine sharing in your Zumba class the thoughts you had about plotting to kill your boss that only your therapist was meant to hear? Just me?

Redditor u/SidneyRL wanted to know who, besides us, has dialed into the wrong number while dealing with online discussions, especially this last year. They asked... What's was your most embarrassing "oops wrong chat" moment?
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Students Break Down The Funniest Thing That Ever Happened To Them During Remote Learning
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

The pandemic has changed the way we work, learn, and socialize.

And while getting acquainted with teleconferencing and remote learning during quarantine may have been challenging, it seems people have adapted well. For the most part.

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