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bloodied zombie arms reach out from behind wooden barrier
Mikita Yo on Unsplash

Lots of people think they could survive an apocalypse, some even delight in coming up with in-depth plans for exactly how they would go about it.

But there are a lot of angles most people don’t consider.

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People Debate What The Worst Weapon Would Be To Bring To The Zombie Apocalypse
julien Tromeur on Unsplash

The popularity of zombie films, TV shows, comic books and novels have lead a lot of people to imagine their zombie apocalypse survival strategy.

Where would they live?

What about food and transportation?

Perhaps most important for many people are the weapons they plan to wield.

But some weapons that do just fine pre-apocalypse, are less than useless after.

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People Break Down The 'Zombie Apocalypse' Fears That No One Ever Thinks About
Photo by Yohann LIBOT on Unsplash

If zombies arrived right now, none of us would be shocked.

The way the world has been working, I think most of us would be like... "Sounds about right..."

So maybe we should prepare.

I feel like there is a lot of detail shows like "The Walking Dead" ignore.

When we're not squabbling with the undead... what do we need for the day to day.

RedditorHouseGrasswanted us to get prepared... just in case. They asked people to divulge...

"If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, what is an issue people don’t think about?"
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People Describe Their Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans
Nathan Wright on Unsplash

The likelihood of a zombie apocalypse is realistically pretty low.

But it's still something many people have thought about in great detail.

Let's be honest—most of us have at least a basic zombie apocalypse survival plan.

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People Share Which Things You Might Not Know To Prepare For During A Zombie Outbreak
Getty Images

We all think we'll be badasses when the zombie apocalypse hits, but there are all sorts of scenarios none of us would necessarily be prepared for.

Today's burning question is KindaQute, who asked the online community: What are some things that people dont realise would happen if there was actually a zombie outbreak?

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