zombie apocalypse

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Things People Don't Think About Enough During A Zombie Apocalypse

Reddit user bettercallme_ asked: 'What’s something people don’t really think about during a zombie apocalypse?'

Zombie arms reaching around a tree
Photo by Simon Wijers on Unsplash

As zombies and zombie apocalypses have become increasingly popular entertainment concepts, people have entertained the idea of what they would do if a zombie apocalypse would occur.

The truth of the matter is that nowhere near as many people who imagine themselves as being one of the leaders in the aftermath would even survive.

But there are countless other details most of us have never pondered if this were to become our reality.

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People Share The Household Items That Would Be Extremely Useful In A Zombie Apocalypse

Okay hear me out.

Zombie apocalypse films all get it wrong.

They focus on things like ammo, cool cars and buff people trained in hand-to-hand combat (all of which are cool things) but fail to take into consideration the true hero of the apocalypse is likely to be... secretly freaky suburban moms.

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People Debate What The Worst Weapon Would Be To Bring To The Zombie Apocalypse
julien Tromeur on Unsplash

The popularity of zombie films, TV shows, comic books and novels have lead a lot of people to imagine their zombie apocalypse survival strategy.

Where would they live?

What about food and transportation?

Perhaps most important for many people are the weapons they plan to wield.

But some weapons that do just fine pre-apocalypse, are less than useless after.

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People Break Down The 'Zombie Apocalypse' Fears That No One Ever Thinks About
Photo by Yohann LIBOT on Unsplash

If zombies arrived right now, none of us would be shocked.

The way the world has been working, I think most of us would be like... "Sounds about right..."

So maybe we should prepare.

I feel like there is a lot of detail shows like "The Walking Dead" ignore.

When we're not squabbling with the undead... what do we need for the day to day.

RedditorHouseGrasswanted us to get prepared... just in case. They asked people to divulge...

"If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, what is an issue people don’t think about?"
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