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Good food doesn't have to break the bank or take days to prepare.

There are meals we can whip up quickly and be satisfied.

People from other lands and cultures are better at this.

Americans have the microwave dinner.

Other places actually cook.

Let's listen...

Redditor JohnsonMathi17 wanted to know what to put on the menu for the day-to-day. They asked:

"Hey Non-American Redditors, what are some fast and easy dishes that are common in your country when families are too busy to cook?"
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Music Festival Emergency Medical Services Reveal Their Craziest Stories

So how Warped does Warped Tour really get?

Music festivals are nothing new. They've been a staple of the rock n' roll experience for generations. We like to think of our parents and grandparents as being more mature and responsible than we were, but remember - nothing is new, children.

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