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People Share The Sayings They Hate The Most
Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

You hear them all the time.

Commonly used expressions or sayings, slogans and catchphrases, reminders in television or internet ads, and they drive you up the wall.

Something about what they're saying, how it's said, or just the repetitive nature can make you wish your ears no longer worked.

Fortunately, the internet exists so we can all share in our auditory misery.

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Fearless Deer Just Casually Chills At Lake Michigan Beach Surrounded By Amazed People Like It's NBD
ABC News/YouTube

A beach full of people at Saugatuck Dunes State Park in Michigan got an unlikely surprise over 4th of July weekend when a deer decided to join in the fun.

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We Can't Help But Love This Young Internet Legend Who Memorized Some Random Ribbon Dance From YouTube

An aspiring young ribbon dancer impressed his sister Tori Crosby from St. George, Utah, so much she had to share him with the world.

She filmed her brother twirling around his makeshift dancing arena, painting the atmosphere with two "ribbons" trailing his every move.

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News recently broke that the Trump administration had contacted its embassies around the world and banned them from flying rainbow flags in honor of PRIDE month, prompting swift backlash from LGBTQ individuals and their allies online.

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YouTuber Heroically Infiltrates Scam Call Center To Warn Potential Victims
Jim Browning/YouTube

No one likes receiving robocalls. They're annoying, they weird you out, and many of these calls are trying to siphon you for your personal information.

That's how identity theft happens, people.

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