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I never know the age of anything.

It's funny how we look at certain aspects of life and just have a certain sense of nostalgia attached.

Take Adele for instance. It feels like she's been a part of our lives forever.

But she's only 4 albums in.

That's a drop in the musical bucket.

A very magical and musical bucket.

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People Share The Exact Moment They First Thought 'I'm Getting Old"
Photo by Esther Ann on Unsplash

Growing into middle and old age is a gradual process that occurs over the course of many years. Youth burns bright and fades slowly. Those youngest years depart at a churning pace, relentless and constant.

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Young People Share What They "Just Don't Get" About Older Generations

Growing up, my parents worked two jobs each, so I spent most of my time with my retired grandfather. Let me tell you folks, I never once understood the way he did things. He was like a baffling magical mystery to me. Like, why are we saving all these newspapers and is there a reason we are driving for hours a day going to five different grocery stores looking for the best deals on a can of tomato paste?

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