worst parent logic

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People Share The Worst 'Parent Logic' They've Ever Witnessed

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People Share The Worst 'Parent Logic' They've Ever Witnessed
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

I have no idea how to be a parent. I also will never have to know as I have no plans to raise delinquents... sorry, "children" as a life goal. One of the reasons why it's never been on my bucket list is because I believe it to be a calling not designed for everyone. Now, just because it's not in my future doesn't mean I can't give an opinion or five about how to not do it wrong. There are just some obvious "logics" we can all attest to.

Redditor u/sham-da-man wanted to hear about all the times parents were just wrong by asking...
What is the worst parent logic you know?
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