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Barn with an American flag on it

Traveling the world can be a highly enlightening experience.

It opens us up to various cultures and customs that can only expand our wisdom of the capabilities of what people can achieve while also reminding us that we are all the same.

And while there are common practices that are shared by different nations, there are some things that Americans seem to excel at more than in other countries.

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A globe
Lucas George Wendt/Unsplash

Different parts of the world are characterized by diversity and culture.

It's what makes us all unique.

But sometimes, it's those differences that can seem perplexing to those who don't have an open mind.

And instead of trying to be enlightened by foreign customs that are "normal", they can be perceived as "strange" or "weird" by outsiders.

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As many wonderful destinations there are to visit around the globe, there are plenty to be avoided.

Top of my list is anywhere with too much nature.

I'm not camping or white water rafting.

And you can keep that zipline madness for crazy people.

Also, why swim in shark-infested waters?

This is my list, but Reddit had a lot of other ideas to throw into the mix to nix.

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People Divulge Which World Events They Believe Were Staged
Photo by Rob Laughter on Unsplash

I've lost count of the number of theories floating about that say almost all of our world is rigged.

Do I believe in darker forces behind the curtain?

Yes. Absolutely. But some of these ideas seem impossible.

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People Confess Which Accents They Find The Least Attractive
Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

I love accents.

As an actor, I live to utilize them.

In life, I love to hear them.

Maybe because I feel like an American accent is just too ordinary.

I never even thought Americans had one until I traveled abroad and people said they liked mine.

Accents seem to give off excitement and sex appeal.

But apparently there are some who could do without the emphasis.

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