world war ii

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Nuclear warfare is on many people's minds these days as the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine continues to develop. Tensions on the world stage have been higher than ever and plenty of analysts have posited that we're all experiencing a throwback to what it was like to live during the Cold War era.

Of course, none of us want to deal with the possibility of a nuclear strike because the use of even one bomb could trigger widespread nuclear warfare. There's a reason why the principle of mutually assured destruction (MAD) has successfully kept the possibility of nuclear war in check.

That said, it's always worth learning more about any topics–including nuclear weapons.

People shared their knowledge with us after Redditor glasas007 asked the online community,

"What is a weird fact you know about nuclear bombs?"
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World War II Bomb Discovered In Frankfurt Sends Massive Amount Of Water Sky High After Being Detonated In The Main River
Frank Rumpenhorst/picture alliance via Getty Images, @SMTDDR/Twitter

Approximately 600 residents living near the Frankfurt's River Main in Germany were asked to evacuate due to a bomb threat dating back almost 80 years.

Divers doing a routing maintenance dive near the Alte Brücke (Old Bridge) on Tuesday discovered a bomb that had been submerged since World War II, according to German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH (DPA).

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History as taught by textbooks SUCKS. But think about it, you're fully aware that awesome and hilarious stuff is happening every day. That's nothing new. History is full of characters that, if they existed today, would have the biggest Twitter following and at least 3 reality shows.

Take La Mapin, for example. She was a cross-dressing, sword-fighting, opera singer who killed at least ten men in duels and snuck into convents to hook up with the nuns. Yeah, we'd have read the HELL out of the French Revolution chapter in our history textbooks if it included that info!

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