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elevator interior
Derrick Treadwell /Unsplash

Ever wonder how often people have dropped their personal items through the gap between the elevator and the floor?

Ever wonder the kind of items that could be strewn at the bottom of an elevator shaft?

Wonder no more!

Elevator technicians share with us the things they've seen. Some of the things that forever became detached from their owners are unique, others are of the usual suspects, and others are just plain bonkers.

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People Who Work In Strangers' Homes For A Living Share The Weirdest Thing They Ever Experienced
Image by postcardtrip from Pixabay

Some jobs require people to either enter or work in the homes of strangers.

To many of them, jobs involving visits to homes of people they don't know are better than toiling away for hours while being confined inside an office cubicle – not that there's anything wrong about that.

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Fast Food Workers Share Their 'I'm Never Going To Eat Here Again' Moment
Image by Marcel Gnauk from Pixabay

The rule of thumb when eating fast food is very simple: put on the blinders, enjoy the meal, and try not to do it too often.

But what if you work in the kitchen?

In that case, there's simply no escaping a complete understanding of the several horrors that each assembled burger or french fry encounters on its way to that front counter.

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Professionals Describe What A Day In Their Life Looks Like On The Job
Image by Jon Kline from Pixabay

Whenever people meet for the first time, a commonly asked question is what they do for a living.

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Drive-Thru Workers Describe The Weirdest Thing They've Ever Seen In Someone's Car
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Fast food workers encounter customers from a variety of backgrounds and situations that make each transaction unique.

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