work from home

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The Highest Paying Jobs That Require Minimal Human Interaction

"Reddit user YellowJellyCube asked: 'What is the highest paying job that requires little to no interaction with other people?'"

A man stands, arms wide open facing an office building
Photo by Razvan Chisu

Seeing people has become a real issue for many.

And by seeing, I mean like actually, physically seeing other humans.

That is why working from home and limited human contact altogether has become so popular.

We were heading that way already but the pandemic has only intensified the need.

So how do we work and make money without dealing with people?

There are ways to do it, lucrative ways even.

We just have to research and see what's out there.

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People Share The Unfortunate Realities Of Working From Home That No One Talks About
Helena Lopes/Unsplash

Having worked almost exclusively from home since 2015, there's a lot that goes into it that people don't realize.

It's not all athleisure and binge-watching shows while you type.

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We live in the pandemic era. That is to say, we live in the era of Zoom video chatting.

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A global pandemic ratchets up the intensity on nearly all facets of life.To that end, it reveals so much about individuals, collective groups, and institutions.
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People Who Regularly Work From Home Share Their Tips For First-Timers Due To COVID-19 Concerns
Westend61 / Getty Images

For a lot of people, the idea of working from home conjures up ideas of sitting on a couch in your jammies daydrinking and eating chips & salsa while watching re-runs of Charmed. And yes, it can be just that wondrous just not always or nothing would get done.

There's truly an art to being able to work effectively from home.

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