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For many people, escaping to the woods, either in a tent or a cabin, is just what they need to escape from their current realities and reset their mind.

Allowing themselves to be one with nature, and cut off from technology.

Not everyone finds the woods a peaceful place, however.

Indeed, being cut off from the rest of the world, all the while surrounded by wildlife, it's easy to see why some people find the woods scary, and not at all relaxing.

Particularly if their time in the woods included an experience which made them never want to return, ever again.

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Hikers Describe The Scariest Situation They Ever Found Themselves In While On The Trail
Image by Florian Kurz from Pixabay

Hiking totally rules.

You get to experience the unique quiet of vast expanses and jam-packed wooded zones. You hear strange bugs, smell all sorts of things, remember how to walk on uneven ground, and forget what rushing feels like.

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If you're like me and have seen Evil Dead thirty times, you know that the woods is dangerous territory full of spiders, bears, and demon-possessed trees. So the woods are a big ol' f*ck no for me.

Then there are some people whose lives revolve around walking through the woods, whether as a park ranger, hunter, or anything in between. But that doesn't mean they haven't seen some scary stuff too.

One Redditor asked: Rangers, forest workers, hunters, and other woods-people of Reddit, what is your scary experience in the woods that you still can't explain?

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Hunters Reveal What Scared The Camouflage Pants Off Them In The Woods

Hunting is an activity that comes with a certain amount of risk, and hunters know that. Just hiking in the woods can be risky, even if you do everything right.

When something out of the ordinary happens while you're out in the woods, it can be enough to scare the pants off even the most seasoned of hunters.

Speaking from personal experience, there are fewer things as freaky as the scream of a cougar in the middle of the night when you're sound asleep.

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Hunting as a sport is a dangerous activity for so many reasons. Who knows what sly creatures await their human prey in the darkness of the wild. Sure you may have years of experience and be an expert marksman, doesn't mean you're not going to come across some creepy experiences amid the hunt. Camouflage isn't the most flattering of styles as it is.

Redditor u/CB-Nomad wanted some hunters out there to fess up to a few things asking.... Hunters of Reddit, what did you see out there that made you not want to go back into the woods?

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