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People Explain Which Things They'd Like To Add To The Harry Potter Lore
Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

One of the best things about art — any art — is that it sparks our own imaginations and lets us take something that exists and change or add to it. Songs can be set to new music, paintings can have new backdrops, and sculptures can have new meanings.

One of the biggest forms of art that can be changed or added to is literature. Characters can be given new motivation, the conflicts can be rewritten, and the world can gain more backstory. This doesn't mean we don't love or appreciate the way a book was written; it just means we love it enough to explore a different path.

The Harry Potter series is a great example of this. Many fans of the series have created their own stories, theories, and art depicting their own versions of the characters, the plot, and the history.

These fans have also added some amazing and hilarious things to the Harry Potter world and lore that are just waiting to be discovered.

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People Who've Witnessed An Act Of Witchcraft Share Their Experiences
Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

Do you believe in magic?

I definitely do! My best friend reads tarot cards, and his predictions for me have always been accurate. I have to believe in magic! And I'm not the only one.

In the 1600s, people were notorious for believing in witchcraft. That's what led to the famous Salem Witch Trials. We don't torture or burn people at the stake anymore -- thankfully -- but that doesn't mean the belief in witchcraft has faded.

People make money by boasting the power of Sight. Magical talismans are sold for protection. Ouiji boards are constantly used to try and contact the dead.

Then there are people who have witnessed actual witchcraft themselves. If seeing is believing, those people are definitely believers.

Redditor hows_my_driving1, wanting to know more about real witchcraft, asked:

"people of reddit who have practiced or witnessed acts of witchcraft, voodoo or the occult. What was your experience?"
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