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People Who Got What They Wished For Along With Unintended Consequences Share Their Experiences

"Reddit user Casca_In_Red asked: 'Have you ever gotten monkey's pawed (gotten something you deeply wished for but it came with unintended consequences) and if so, how?'"

I try to be VERY specific with my wishes.

You have to be.

If you're not specific, you leave room for grey areas.

And the powers that be who dole out wishes like to play with the script.

I'm even precise when I throw pennies in a fountain.

Do the kids still do that anymore?

The sad truth is that life is a give and take.

And irony is unavoidable.

So be careful what you wish for... the author of that line should be a billionaire.

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A woman holds her head in her hands, seemingly in despair
Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

Humans make mistakes.

It's part of the deal with life.

But some mistakes and choices can have huge repercussions.

The trick is to not dwell on the outcomes.

That dwelling leads to a lot of regret.

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The Make-A-Wish foundation and similar organizations arrange to make the dreams of children with life-threatening or terminal illnesses come true.

As a result, children have been given trips to Disney World, the chance to meet celebrities, or throw a pitch or shoot a basket at the stadium or arena of their favorite sports team.

Moving and tear inducing stories to say the least.

However, not all children's wishes are lavish and extravagant.

For some, just getting the chance to enjoy a picnic with their friends, away from hospitals, doctors and nurses, is the only thing they want more than anything int he world.

While other wishes might result in confusion before they induce tears.

But knowing it's what the children dream of these foundations waste no time in making these wishes happen.

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Every now and then, one can't help but look back and think about all the changes and advancements in various fields which have occurred.

Both good and bad.

Just about every year, we continued to see advancements in technology, what were once luxuries becoming more accessible, and stronger, more diverse representation in media.

Even though there are still ongoing issues we continue to wish would change, or as the US Supreme Court recently demonstrated, major regressions in other areas.

With this in mind, it leaves us to wonder what the next five years will have in store for us.

Something which Redditor wtfkingQ9 also wondered, leading them to ask:

"What’s something you’re hoping to see in the next 5 years?"
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The law is a fickle mistress, and it varies from state to state and county to county sometimes. And then there is the blatant hypocrisy of it all.

There are some things that feel like they should be allowed to pass but you get scolded for, like jaywalking, and then there are things like actual robbery in broad daylight, like telemarketers and nothing happens to them.

Make it make sense. It's like taxes, the wealthy know loopholes and the poor go to jail. Shameful.

Redditoru/Xanduhwanted everyone to chat about legal life fails by asking:

What do you wish was illegal?
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