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It can be shocking, almost repulsive, to look through history books and read the things which were actually laws at one point in time.

These include bizarre ones, like a national speed limit of 55 miles per hour due to an oil shortage, as well as historically inhumane laws, such as segregation and slavery.

Thankfully, many of these horrifying and/or bizarre laws have been repealed.

But if one were to look closely at laws around the world, there are still a number of ludicrous and terrifying laws which remain in effect.

That many people might even, rather ironically, think should be illegal.

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closed sign on door
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

When the global pandemic hit in march of 2020, countless companies saw themselves going under.

Sadly, some companies, from a wide variety of businesses, simply couldn't adapt to working under the parameters of social distancing, or couldn't adapt in time, resulting in them permanently closing their doors.

Many people were sad to see these companies close, while many others were even sadder that some companies managed to pull through and stay open.

Indeed, long before Covid-19 wreaked havoc on the world, some companies and corporations people felt were actually detrimental to society would be doing the world a favor by going out of business.

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It's rare for a day to go by where women don't, quite understandably, complain about the annoying, even misogynistic behavior of men.

Addiction to video games, poor hygiene, too much excitement over a football or basketball game, bad table manners.

The list goes on and on.

But men don't only annoy women with their behavior.

Indeed, plenty of other men get equally annoyed or revolted by certain stereotypically "male" behavior, and wish it would come to an end.

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People Share The Things That Don't Exist But They Really Wish Did
Mimi Thian/Unsplash

Fat blocker pills that magically undo all the damage you're doing to yourself with the way you eat do not exist.

There's no essential oil.

There isn't even a foolproof surgery.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news that you already secretly knew, but facts are facts.

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People Divulge The Things They Wish They Never Found Out
Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

People having the thirst for knowledge usually benefit from the acquired information.

But that doesn't necessarily pan out for everyone, especially when it comes to people being apprised of information that was never intended to be heard in the first place.
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