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🎵Walking in a winter wonderland...🎶

There are so many exquisite reasons to love Winter. The snow, the sky... Santa.

I feel like the world is separated into two camps, the Winter people and the Summer people and a compromise is never in reach.

I'm part of the Fall people—the truly perfect group.

Has anyone checked in on the Spring people?

But first, let's chat about Winter.

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Stockholm Is Using Digital Billboards To Help Their Homeless Population On Extremely Cold Nights
Sebastian Gollnow/picture alliance via Getty Images

Stockholm, Sweden is a fairly large city, and it is the capital of a country known for its efforts to improve the human condition within its borders.

It may not come as a surprise, then, that Sweden is making some important changes to the electronic billboards throughout the city.

The billboards, the kind that you see on the streets and on the side of bus stops, will change their function during dangerously cold weather. When it is cold enough, the screens will display directions to the nearest shelter where homeless people can get out of the cold.

The average low temperature in Stockholm is 22° Fahrenheit. Though it can dip much lower than that, especially at night, when businesses where people who are homeless may go to escape the cold during the day aren't an option.

This program is a partnership between Clear Channel, who owns the billboards, and Stockholm's city government. In addition to maps, the screens will display information for those who want to help: how and where to volunteer or donate necessary supplies.

Courtesy of Clear Channel

According to Curbed, the billboards will change from advertisements to public awareness information of the temperature in the city drops below 19° Fahrenheit. When it gets that cold, the city works with local organizations to open emergency shelters, but "information about the establishment of the emergency shelters often does not reach the homeless in time."

Fifty-three of the city's billboards will be repurposed during dangerously cold weather, covering the streets that see the most traffic in an effort to reach as many people as possible.

They are internet-connected devices, so are able to retrieve location information and show detailed directions from a particular billboard to the nearest shelter and show when that shelter will be open.

Stockholm introduced the program in December of 2018, and it will run until the end of January 2019. During this time, Clear Channel will decide if it wants to expand the program to other Swedish cities.

Social media reactions were very positive, with many hoping the program would come to their area of the world.

Some pointed out that advertising and public service are not mutually exclusive; it is possible to find a balance.

Meanwhile, some criticized the practices of their city towards the homeless population, especially "hostile architecture."

Small, simple changes like this can make all the difference in improving the lives of people in a city, especially those who need help the most.

We Are Ready To Bend The Knee To This Majestic Maine Coon

If you're a cat lover, you probably already know that Maine Coons are considered one of the most impressive cat breeds out there. They're big, they're fluffy, they aren't afraid of water, and they look a little bit like what we imagine a majestic tundra lion would look like. Or maybe like a viking battle cat? Some look oddly like Ron Perlman, but that's a whole other article.

Lotus the Maine Coon lives his life with a few other maine coons and at least one human with opposable thumbs and internet access. We know that last part because he has an Instagram account - an account with almost 70 thousand followers. People love to look at him, and it's easy to see why.

First of all, a lot of the pictures give you an idea of just how BIG these cats can get.

One fluffy enormous cat is great, but like we said before, Lotus doesn't live alone. There are three other majestic fuzzbuckets to behold. Lotus likes to give shout outs to the rest of the squad.

Mozart is gorgeous and playful.

Chivas the ginger cat is WERKING that snaggletooth.

And Lady Marion is the fluffy black panthress we never knew we needed.

Together with Lotus, they turn out some of the most stunning cat photos ever to grace Instagram. Are you ready for all of this majesty? You're not ready, but here we go anyway.

It's not all about grace and beauty, though. Sometimes, ya just gotta derp it out.

Go on over and check out their Instagram for more. You know you want to. They're waiting.

H/T: Bored Panda, Instagram

Kendall Jenner Wearing A Massive Winter Coat Is Like Lenny Kravitz's Scarf 2.0 😂

We all love a good meme, and the best memes often imitate life. Model Kendall Jenner is the latest target of the Instagram account @itsmaysmemes, which photoshops celebrities in hilariously oversized outerwear.

At least it looks cozy...

Soon, Vogue France tweeted the image and all hell broke loose.

The caption reads:

"Winter is coming !"


People made their own versions.

Some compared it to other strange fashion choices we've seen over the years.

And there were those who had some pretty interesting ideas about what this looked like.

Perhaps we loved it because it did seem just avant garde enough for Jenner to actually wear. Turns out we all can! Well, sort of. The jacket is a digitally enlarged version of The Super Puff jacket at Aritzia. Even the non-Photoshopped version looks pretty cozy!

H/T: Huffington Post, Twitter

We'd all be lying if we said we'd never taken even a little bit of joy in messing with someone. You may have to lie to the people who know you in person, but c'mon. This is the internet, we're all friends in our mutual horribleness here.

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