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An audience sit in a theater watching a movie
Photo by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

Audiences today are too savvy and unforgiving.

There are so many cinematic aspects that leave so many of us irritated.

And one of the big reasons is that they know they can make them better.

Give me a quick million, you won't be disappointed.

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People Divulge The Real Reason Why They're Still Single
Image by klimkin from Pixabay

Being single can be fun. In fact, in this time of COVID, being single can save lives. But the heart is a fickle creature.

And being alone can really suck in times of turmoil. None of us are perfect and it feels like that's all anyone is looking for... perfect.

Now that doesn't mean that all of us are making it difficult to partner up. Sure, some people are too picky and mean-spirited, but some of the rest of us are crazy and too much to handle. So one has to be sure.

The truth is, being single is confusing, no matter how much we try to match. So let's try to understand...

Redditor u/Mcxyn wanted to discuss some truths about love and our own issues, by asking:

Why are you single?
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Younger Generations Break Down Their Most Boomer-Esque Opinions
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Sometimes we're all on the same page. It's not often, but once in awhile, it is possible.

In this current state of the world the generational divide is at an all time high. Everyone is on opposing side and no one seems to be getting along.

One generation blames the other for just about everything you can think of. So it's nice to see the once in a blue moon moment when agreement is reached.

They may be just small opinions but hey, gotta start somewhere.

Redditor u/coolfreeusername wanted to know the thoughts of the "youth" by asking:

Non-boomers of Reddit, what's your most boomer opinion?
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Home Depot Paint Mixers Share Their Funniest Experiences Matching Colors
Image by naobim from Pixabay

I hate painting. I swear I'd rather eat uncooked liver or scrub a latrine with a toothbrush before I pick up a rolling pin and start painting walls.

I can never get it right, and the amount of coats you have to put on never seems to end. I cry when I have to do it.

And the stress of it all starts at the paint store. Those Home Depot people act like their artists and I'm an idiot. Ok, maybe they're right.

I can never figure out how to match the color or even get the perfect new color that's in my mind. So I doth my workman's cap to the HP counter crew.

Redditor u/PhantomHeroine wanted all the people with color mixing skills to share some interesting tales by asking:

Home Depot paint mixers of Reddit, what is the weirdest thing you've had to color match?
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People Who Cheated On Their Significant Other Break Down What Was Going Through Their Head
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Why even bother being in a relationship? Seriously, if you're cheating something is wrong. So why not confront it and fix it or move on? Why do people choose to be cruel? And if cheating just "happens," then why not own up to it? If you run astray of your relationship, you're obviously not happy. Why be a sociopath by continuing to harm the people you profess to love? This isn't bitterness asking just curiosity.

Redditor u/santino_musi1 wanted to hear some confessions about straying by asking... People who cheated on their bf/gf/partner, what was going through your mind while doing it?

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