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People Who Don't Want Kids Share The Real Reason Why
Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

Being a parent isn't for everybody.

That is a life lesson well learned.

Not everybody wants to have kids.

That maybe hard to believe, but the sooner we learn, the better.

If you want kids, please have them, just be sure and ready.

It's a hard journey.

Raising my dog has been stress enough.

Maybe if some of you hear why others don't want kids, you'll appreciate yours more.

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The nose is constantly being attacked by odors of the world.

Going through one day without having to hold my breath during a certain point, is a miracle.

Of course, I'm a New Yorker, so I maybe exaggerating for people in the countryside.

What's funnier is odors that are pleasant, that shouldn't be.

Have you ever looked and something and thought... "yuck."

But then you smelled it and it was like... "oh lovely,"

Redditor HappQueue wanted to know what aromas are arousing to the senses that may come as a surprise to many. They asked:

"What smells good but shouldn't?"
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People Who've Cheated On Their Partners Share The Real Reason Why
Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Many relationships that have soured tend to lend themselves to infidelity.

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People Explain What Ruined Something They Once Loved
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Why do we always have to mess with a good thing?

If something isn't broken, don't fix it.

I know, I sound one hundred years old.

I get technology and life move forward and evolution in all areas is key, but some changes are not always for the better.

Redditor MikiTheOnlyOne wanted everyone to vent about the joys in life that have been stolen. They asked:

"What was ruined that was once so good?"
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People Describe The Most Painful Thing They've Ever Experienced
Image by Susan Cipriano from Pixabay

Life is hard. That is a truth that will never not be valuable to acknowledge. I love life and being alive but I am not blind to the fact that life is riddled with strife and pain.

And pain comes in all shapes and sizes. Whether it be physical, mental or emotional, pain is inevitable. But pain is doable. We can learn to experience it, live with it, and most importantly grow from it.

They say without pain, how can we know joy? I hate that mantra too, but it holds some truth. It doesn't always make the pain survival worth it, but it can help. So let's discuss it.

Redditor u/Jergunglefinger wanted to hear from everyone who was willing to share some of their more uncomfortable life moments, by asking:

What is the most painful thing you have ever experienced?
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