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2-Year-Old Boy In Wheelchair Left Awestruck After Seeing Ad In Target Featuring Another Boy 'Like Him'
Demi Garza-Pena - Ollie's World / Facebook

Demi Garza-Pena and her son, two-year-old Oliver Garza-Pena, thought they were on a typical shopping trip at Target.

But when they passed through the boys' clothing section and saw a special ad, designed specifically for children like Oliver, they knew it was a special kind of day.

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Segway Just Announced A New Stroller For Able-Bodied Adults That Is Straight Out Of 'Wall-E'
Kim Carson/Getty Images, Disney/Pixar

Segway has finally announced their latest invention nearly two decades after its original creation, and there is something oddly familiar about it.

The newest addition to the Segway-Ninebot line was finally announced and it is called the S-Pod.

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People Share The Things That Look Super Easy But Are Actually Surprisingly Difficult

People who are really good at things can make those things look deceptively easy to do just because of how talented they are, or how commonplace the activity is for them. Anyone else who attempts the activity is likely to find it considerably more difficult to perform.

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Brandon Qualls received a big and welcomed surprise when his friend, Tanner Wilson, presented him with an electric wheelchair. Until now, Qualls has been using a push model chair.

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People Are Loving Barbie's New Inclusive Line Of Dolls With Disabilities

For decades inclusivity was a bit of a blind spot for toy maker Mattel and their iconic Barbie doll.

But in the last decade Barbie has evolved more than she did in the 50 years before.

And she's about to undertake another major change that is coming to a store near you.

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