weird bodies

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Being a little bit self-conscious about the weird things your body does is par to being a human being. But there are instances where those weird things are just really freakin' cool. So whether or not you take pride in those weird things, know that at least Reddit thinks it's pretty neat.

u/merricat_blackwood asked: What's something strange your body does that you know isn't quite right but also isn't quite serious enough to get checked out by a doctor?

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Doctors Reveal The Weirdest Anomalies They've Discovered In A Body

I've never seen anything like that before.

Science isn't stagnant. New technologies and new sets of eyes on a problem mean we're always going to learn more about concepts we thought he had on lock-down for years. Remember Pluto?

That's right.


Medical science is no different, and even the most experienced doctors can be caught off guard with what they find inside the human body, something we thought we knew everything about.

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