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People Share Their Best 'Botched Wedding' Stories

Reddit user NickWhite566 asked: 'What happened to those who had attended a botched wedding?'

groom in gray suit kissing bride in white dress

Many weddings involve months of planning and thousands of dollars.

But the one guarantee in life is that poo happens and weddings are not immune to sh*t storms.

Natural disasters, unexpected illnesses, accidents or animosity can derail even the best laid wedding plans.

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People Who Attended A Wedding Where Someone Objected Share Their Experiences
Wedding Photography/Unsplash

We see it in movies all the time. At the very last second, someone comes bursting through the doors of the church, or stands up in the back row, and pronounces their love for one of the soon-to-be newlyweds.

The whole room gasps in shock that someone would object in the middle of the couple's big moment.

But does that actually happen in real life?

Apparently, it does.

We went to Reddit to find out what that's like for people.

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People Break Down Their Craziest 'Ruined Wedding' Experiences
Image by ANURAG1112 from Pixabay

Any engaged couple looks forward to the big day when after months of planning, they get to tie the knot and declare their love in front of family and friends.

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People Who've Witnessed An Objection During A Wedding Ceremony Share Their Experiences
Image by Moofer Man from Pixabay

Weddings are supposed to be about love and celebration, right? Yeah if you're chuckling right now it's clear that you're not a new reader.

Welcome to the madhouse, friends. We're gonna talk about some drama.

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People Break Down The Craziest Thing They've Ever Witnessed At A Wedding
Image by Vu Toan from Pixabay

Being a part of a wedding is high stakes, for better or worse. And the more complex it is, the more likely things will go wrong. Trust me--that's why I pretty much eloped. Crazy sh*t can go down when it comes to peoples' big day.

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