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Wedding Professionals Share Their Wildest 'This Marriage Isn't Going To Last' Experience
Image by ANURAG1112 from Pixabay

Though weddings are a glorious event and a most sacred moment in the lives of two souls, they are also high high stress and chaotic. The behind the scenes of weddings make legendary stories. As a cater waiter I once overheard the bride's sister tell the groom she was pregnant, and he responded "Don't worry, I'll pay for it. We'll go after I'm back from Maui. Next time don't miss a pill." Then they kissed. Chile... I was sent! I told EVERYBODY who worked there! We spent the rest of the evening placing bets on how long the "union" would last. And my story is only the tip of the iceberg, often, its the wedding workers who can tell if this is a happily ever after.

Redditor u/viratrim wanted all the wedding planners out there to dish and serve up some tea about unions they've witnessed by asking.... Wedding photographers/planners/etc., what's your biggest "this marriage isn't gonna last" story?

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Wedding Planners Reveal Their Greatest Horror Stories

Dear Brides... calm the heck down!!

Yes, a wedding is a very special occasion and a very special day and of course you want it to be perfect. We all dream of a perfect wedding day and Lord knows a lot of blood, sweat and tears go into every solitary detail. But ladies and gentlemen let's not spill actual blood, sweat and tears.

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Wedding Planners Reveal Their Greatest Horror Stories

Mark Wilson
/ Staff

Yes, a wedding is a very special occasion and a very special day and of course you want it to be perfect. We all dream of a perfect wedding day and Lord knows a lot of blood, sweat and tears go into every solitary detail. But ladies and gentlemen let's not spill actual blood, sweat and tears.

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