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People Confess Which Historical Quotes Give Them The Chills
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

History is littered with horror and fright.

And much of it is journaled and cataloged for our reading pleasure.

Which sometimes is reading that can leave one a bit on edge.

That's because some of our best long-dead wordsmiths left some serious echoes.

Now we all do love a good speech.

We're especially entranced when the speaker has that certain... "thing."

But once and awhile when you listen and really dig deep, they are less inspirational and more morbid

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We live in the stories of our family that came before us.

Unfortunately, social media and a constant stream of digital records did not exist in the time of either of the Great Wars.

Can you imagine a selfie taken from the trenches or from storming the beaches of Normandy?

Just because we can't see it, though, doesn't mean we haven't heard the tales, been swept away in the stories, the details, of one of the most horrific and heroic times in our collective history.

Because some of our family were there, and they told us about it.

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Do we really forget or do we choose to ignore the less pleasant parts of our history? That is the real question. The crux of how America deals with history.

There are so many vital details and so much fascinating information about the forging of this country that we often just study for a moment, then file away in the dead lands of our brains.

Maybe this is why we repeat history, we never learn from it because we choose to forget it.

Thankfully we have historians, teachers and people who crave random knowledge in hopes of one day ending up on 'Jeopardy.'

They'll never let us forget.

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History can often be surprising or fascinating, infuriating or even mind-boggling. Sometimes, though, they're downright unbelievable.

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Jesus said "Love thy Neighbor," but Jesus didn't have to live with mine.

Who amongst us hasn't been saddled with a less than desirable person to commune with on the daily?

Or who among us is that neighbor? Some neighbors make you doubt humanity in their downright obnoxious, petty nonsense.

The way people can behave in the cul-de-sac makes "Desperate Housewives" look like a Disney cartoon.

Redditor u/Collins71514 wanted to get the dish on everybody's neighborhood dramas by asking... What's the most petty thing a neighbor has done to you?
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