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There are just some hills we plant our feet on and pledge to hold out until death.

We have to put our money and influence where our mouths are.

And sometimes boycotting is the way to go.

If a certain clothing line uses child labor... and you care... as you should... you buy a different line.

I'm looking at you Kathy Lee!

You get the idea.

Let's hear what hills everyone is on.

RedditorSteelTookSteroidswanted to discuss all the things people will not support, no matter what. They asked:

"What's something you're boycotting till the day you die?"
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People Describe The Trashiest Thing They've Ever Seen
Image by sipa from Pixabay

Trashy behavior rears its head when we least expect it.

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How does one describe the gift that is Walmart to anyone? Let alone a person from another country. To many, Walmart is a mecca; a shopper's nirvana, on a budget. There is basically nothing you can't get at Walmart (especially the Super Centers). And most of the things at Walmart are for a few pennies less than most places.

Of course we all know the real reason to shop at Walmart... people watching. And behavior studies. Always have a journal at Walmart... the things you will see. It's legendary. You can't get that kind of free entertainment at Target.

Redditor u/Filmologic wanted to know how we could best describe one of America's landmark stores by asking.... Americans, how would you describe Walmart to Europeans?
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Walmart Employees Share The Worst Thing They've Seen Inside Their Store

Walmart employees deal with a lot of crap (including quite a bit of the literal variety). The everyday job of dealing with customers can wear on you enough, but the sheer level of weird that seems to happen in Walmart is even worse.

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Religious Conservative Group Outraged After Walmart Features A Gay Love Story

The American Family Association--classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center--got their pearls tangled from clutching so hard after they saw -gasp!- a commercial with gay people!!!!

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