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Just because people have similar genes doesn't mean they have similar tastes.

Twitter user @aalexandriabish knows this better than most.

On July 18, she posted a picture of herself and her sister that went viral online thanks to just how different the pair are.

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Wedding Party Searches For 'Scooter Girl' After She Hilariously Photobombs Their Wedding Photos—And The Internet Steps Up Big
Kenyatta Jefferson/Facebook, Molly B. Photography/Facebook

Wedding photographers know that the moments they capture on camera for a couple on their special day are memories that will be cherished forever.

So when something unexpected happens, the photographer is there to soak up every second.

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There's nothing more inspiring than a professional who's really good at their job. In a recent video, released by ABC 7 Eyewitness News in New York City, crime reporter Darla Miles showed off her camera framing skills by expertly keeping a wandering pedestrian out of her shot.

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Dad Hilariously Goes Above And Beyond To Make His Daughter's Pic A Splash On Social Media

There is no shortage of dads on social media who will do whatever it takes to help their kid go viral.

And Twitter user @CaityMarie1423's dad is no exception.

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