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Person about to fling stretched rubber band
Kenny Eliason/Unsplash

CW: violence, fighting, and assault.

We'd like to believe humanity exists with plenty of examples around us of people doing good things for others.

Sadly, the harsh reality is that there are just as many individuals who have no respect for others and wish to cause harm.

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People Break Down The Times A Bully Absolutely Went Too Far
Photo by Ilayza on Unsplash

Bullying seems to be a concept that has always been around. It comes in all forms, and in varying degrees.

Sometimes, the bullying can be mild and temporary. That doesn't make it okay, but it does make the bullying easier to deal with.

Other times, the bullying is harsh, and can even go too far. Sometimes, that can mean relentless teasing. Othertimes, it can mean that a bully took their torment to a new level, even proceeding into physical violence.

Whatever the case, when bullying goes too far, it sticks with you. Sometimes, you get revenge. Other times, you just deal with it until you can find a solution. Whichever method you choose, you will never forget it.

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People Describe The Most Horrific Acts They've Seen Someone Commit
Mikael Vaisanen/GettyImages

In violent movies not based on the supernatural, we often see people committing unspeakable acts of horror.

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People Confess How They Got The School Bully To Back Off Forever

Why do bullies bully? More importantly... how do we get bullies to back off?

Can we just use words? Does it always have to resort to violence?

There is no reason in this world for anyone to be a bully. It's all about power and self worth.

The bully has none and it's all they want.

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People Explain Which Movies Were So Brutal They Had To Stop Watching Them
Photo by Myke Simon on Unsplash
Before we get started, let's just say that everyone's tolerance levels are different. What might be an okay watch for your might be the worst experience ever for someone else. Our tastes are different and that's what makes film brilliant. We can share our thoughts, our feelings, and our experience with one another and see a work of art through someone else's eyes.

Films can be challenging in what they're trying to say, and if that challenge is too much to answer, don't feel bad for having to turn something off.

*The following article contains discussion of sexual assault.
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