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Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

Even before these far too frequent cases of violence in schools, not all students felt safe going to school every day.

As bullying continues to be an ongoing problem, with students being bullied by fellow students and teachers alike.

Sadly, bullying has become so commonplace that many students and teachers might witness it and not think much of it.

Every now and then, however, people will witness something happening within the presumably safe walls of a school which still keeps them awake at night.

Something so shocking or horrific that should simply never happen anywhere... let alone in a school.

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People Share Realistic Solutions To The Issue Of Gun Violence In America

America is in a terrible situation.

We are addicted to guns and nobody seems to care.

And nothing seems to get done.

Redditor Specktakles88 wanted to take a serious moment to ask:

"What, in your opinion, is a realistic solution to gun violence in the United States?"
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People Who Survived Being Shot Explain What It Really Feels Like
Max Kleinen on Unsplash


It's another ordinary day in America.

So of course that means we've already had a mass shooting or two before brunch.

And aside from the mass shootings, the number of single gunshot wounds or deaths is too high to count.

So let's discuss the aftermath.

Let's hear from the people who have faced the barrel of a loaded gun, or were just a casualty going about their day.

What happens after the bullet lands?

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People Imagine How They'd Survive A Deadly Home Invasion
Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

What's worse than returning home from a night out or a workday and discovering your home was broken into? Being home when the break-in happens.

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People Describe The Worst Scandal That Ever Broke Out At Their School
Ben White on Unsplash

Thanks to shows like 'Glee' and 'Boston Public' we know that schools can be a hotbed of salacious drama.

The amount of teachers being arrested for being in love with students is staggering.

Kids are violent and cooking meth in class.

It's a miracle one makes it out in one piece.

So let's share some stories.

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