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The Closest People Have Ever Come To Killing Someone

"Reddit user BBQPancake asked: 'What was the closest you've gotten to killing someone?'"

We all... could be a Dateline NBC villain.

Life pushes us.

Of course, there are also times when accidents happen and we prove life is fragile.

One never knows what actions they will one day be responsible for.

More deep breaths should be taken.

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Person about to fling stretched rubber band
Kenny Eliason/Unsplash

CW: violence, fighting, and assault.

We'd like to believe humanity exists with plenty of examples around us of people doing good things for others.

Sadly, the harsh reality is that there are just as many individuals who have no respect for others and wish to cause harm.

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Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

Even before these far too frequent cases of violence in schools, not all students felt safe going to school every day.

As bullying continues to be an ongoing problem, with students being bullied by fellow students and teachers alike.

Sadly, bullying has become so commonplace that many students and teachers might witness it and not think much of it.

Every now and then, however, people will witness something happening within the presumably safe walls of a school which still keeps them awake at night.

Something so shocking or horrific that should simply never happen anywhere... let alone in a school.

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A man points into the camera with an angry scowl
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

Not everyone is meant to be a parent.

The nasty, cruel things some parents say and do is mind-blowing.

This is why I don't watch the news.

What some people do to children is unspeakable.

Some shouldn't even buy a plant.

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Woman carrying a hatchet
Florian Olivo/Unsplash

Hearing people open up about their near-death experiences is fascinating and it can reignite a sense that life is precious and can be taken away from us at any given moment.

But while a renewed perspective on life after narrowly avoiding accidental death is affirming, nothing is more terrifying when considering those who've managed to avoid death when it was motivated.

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