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People Share Their Best 'You Either Die The Hero Or Live Long Enough To Become The Villain' Experiences
Photo by Terry Tran on Unsplash

"You either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain."

Though not necessarily a universal truth, all of us have witnessed unfortunate moments in our lives where we've seen this saying become a reality.

Be it seeing our favorite public figures take a serious fall from grace, someone we know and admire eventually disappointing us in a devastating manner, or even seeing ourselves turn into someone we promised we'd never become.

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Heroes aren't always the most interesting characters in a story.

in fact, a piece of the recipe that makes an interesting overall story is a villain that isn't completely horrible. There's something about them that draws you to them.

Sometimes, you even end up liking these villains better.

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People Explain Which Villains They Actually Sympathize With
Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

Villains are generally supposed to be horrid and reviled by the audience, who usually see them through the eyes of the hero of the story. Not all villains are particularly villainous, however.

Some are fairly relatable from the start, while others grow throughout the story and become more sympathetic over time.

Still others seem more relatable as we get older and learn how the real world works.

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People Share Which Villains They Believe Had The Purest Motivations
Brian McGowan on Unsplash

A complex villain is always more interesting than a one-sided evil that has no underlying motivation.

Sometimes, the villains are even sort of in the right--the heroes keep the peace for the sake of keeping the peace, but are they really doing the right thing? Or would the villain have been better winning?

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