video games

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man and woman siting on loveseat playing video game
Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

After a long day at work or school, grown-ups and children alike love nothing more than to unwind by playing a video game.

Though, video games aren't always an activity guaranteed to bring couples and families closer together.

Indeed, parents and spouses are known for occasionally having to pry the game controls out of their spouses' or children's hands in order for them to do their homework and chores... or even simply pay attention.

There are some couples, however, who found a way to ensure that such an occurrence will never happen.

Which is to find a video game the two of them can enjoy together.

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People Break Down The Things That Are So Addictive They Should Be Considered A Drug
Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

Many of us have a tendency to obsess over things, whether they're behavioral or tangible. You know the feeling. You just can't stop thinking about them.

But if our fixations get to the point where we are letting them interfere with our lives, are the detriments something to be concerned about or should we trust our ability to control ourselves?

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Gamers Break Down Their Favorite Games Of All Time
Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

Video games get a bad rap—often being blamed as time-wasters, brain-rotters, etc...

But there's an altogether different side to be considered.

They can be masterpieces of storytelling, visual stunners and bring people together in ways they couldn't have connected otherwise.

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Gamers Debate The Games That Are Worth Every Penny
JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Games can bring people closer together or nearly end friendships, depending on how competitive your friends and family are.

Video games have been a big part of a lot of people's lives over the past couple of years too—helping to bring friends and family together when we're apart, or serving as a bit of escapism from everyday life.

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People Confess Which Fads Lasted Longer Than Anyone Expected
Maude Frédérique Lavoie on Unsplash

Fads are, by their very nature, trends that come and go in seemingly no time at all.

Sometimes, though, things we thought were fads end up sticking around way longer than anyone would have expected.

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