video games

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person holding a brightly painted egg
Anna Synytsyna on Unsplash

Easter eggs are those brightly colored festive decorations and treats hidden for the Spring holiday.


Well, yes, but they aren't just that.

According to the dictionary, an Easter egg is also:

  1. in digital technology, an extra feature, as a message or video, hidden in a software program, video game, DVD, etc., and revealed as by an obscure sequence of keystrokes or commands
  2. in movies and television, a hidden message, as a cryptic reference, iconic image, or inside joke, that fans are intended to discover in a television show or movie
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man and woman siting on loveseat playing video game
Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

After a long day at work or school, grown-ups and children alike love nothing more than to unwind by playing a video game.

Though, video games aren't always an activity guaranteed to bring couples and families closer together.

Indeed, parents and spouses are known for occasionally having to pry the game controls out of their spouses' or children's hands in order for them to do their homework and chores... or even simply pay attention.

There are some couples, however, who found a way to ensure that such an occurrence will never happen.

Which is to find a video game the two of them can enjoy together.

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People Explain Which Old Video Games Still Hold Up Today
Joey Kwok/Unsplash

Not long ago, I rented a vacation rental for my dad's birthday.

It was a really cool apartment downtown near restaurants, and the building even had a rooftop pool! Unfortunately for him, this is summer in Florida, which means we got slammed with a tropical storm and that rooftop pool was closed.

The arcade was open, though... and that's where the entire family proceeded to get our butts handed to us because, evidently, my father is the Galaga master.

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People Share Their Best Gaming Hot Takes
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Video games are supposed to be a stress reliever, a way to unwind with friends from time to time, or by yourself, and to immerse yourself in a fictional world where the rules of physics don't matter and you pay for everything in gold coins.

They're supposed to be fun.

It's when they're not fun that opinions are formed about it. Unpopular opinions. Opinions that would get your gamer card revoked if people found out about them.

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People Break Down Which Things Are OK To Steal
Photo by Romina BM on Unsplash

Look, us here at George Takei Enterprises (not our official name) in no way support or endorse the actions described below. It would be ethically wrong and potentially incriminating to say that any actions describe thereafter are acceptable or endorsed by us, or society as a whole.

Still, you do what you gotta do. Life is hard. Get what you can out of it, right?

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