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The Most Useless Gifts People Have Ever Received

Reddit user magdalene_kk asked: 'what's the most useless gift you've ever gotten?'

The Most Useless Gifts People Have Ever Received
Kateryna Hliznitsova/Unsplash

Let's be honest. We all enjoy the kind gesture of gift-giving–especially when you're on the receiving end.

Sometimes the gift you receive symbolizes friendships, or something simple that acknowledges how special you are from a work colleague.

Even gag gifts are fun. After all, the gift-giver has taken the time to look for an item that will trigger a hilarious response, knowing you might get a kick out of it, perhaps due to an inside joke.

After all, it's the thought that counts, right?

Occasionally, however, you might receive a gift that will make you want to hide an ungrateful expression on your face as people are watching.

What could those be?

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Hate is never a good thing.

But everyone once and a while we can't help ourselves.

There are just some things in life that deserve no love.

We don't want to hate because it's unhealthy for us personally to carry it around.

But giving it to something worthy can be freeing.

Like airplane ticket fees. Okay, I'm angry now.

Redditor IssaHunna wanted everyone to discuss all the things being shown justifiable rage. They asked:

"What’s gets a lot of hate, but deserves every bit of it?"
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People Explain Which Things Are Actually Easier To Create Than To Destroy
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

The beginning is always easy.

The end is always an issue.

That's why it's the end. Final.

I've always found that true about writing.

Where else does it apply?

Redditor JimmyJoeJoe__ wanted to discuss all the things that are way too easy to begin. They asked:

"What’s easier to create than to destroy?"
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People Break Down The Most Useless Lessons They Still Teach In School
National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Young students who hated math questioned why they had to learn something that would never be applied in real life.

They learned quickly how important the role numbers played outside of school and that many forms of math are found in almost many areas of professions.
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People Explain Which Terrible Products Are Actually Sold By The Millions

Terrible products usually flop before they make it big, but sometimes a truly awful item hits the market at just the right time and starts to sell, sell, sell.

Many of us have looked at something we or a loved one bought just a few days later and asked ourselves, "why on Earth did we pay money for this?"

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