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People Break Down The Most Overrated Cities To Visit
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

So many exotic locales in the world to see... and plenty of places NOT to see.

When one travels, we have to be astute.

Do the research.

No harm in skipping where we don't need to be.

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Non-Americans Disclose Their Biggest Culture Shocks When They Arrived In The USA
Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

As citizens of the U.S., we don't think twice about the overly generous food portions in restaurants or flinch when strangers want to engage with us with small talk when in public.

But the same behaviors and customs don't necessarily go over well over in other countries.

Food portions are significantly smaller in Japan, and the French typically prefer not wasting their breath in asking people what they think about the weather.

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The United States is going through a bit of growing pains, isn't it?

Between the social climate feeling extremely toxic while the political divide only grows and grows, moving away to another country starts to sound like a promising prospect.
Where would you move, though?
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Washington D.C. is honestly pretty sketchy.

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People Who Had One Night Stands The Night Before 9/11 Share Their Experiences
Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

Some one night stands are unforgettable.

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