unwritten rule

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People Break Down The Unwritten Rules They Wish Everyone Followed
Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Our upbringings are different, and as such, our behavior towards others varies wildly.

For example, how we treat our fellow humans is indicative of what rules we follow.

What do we consider to be polite? What do we consider to be an unwritten rule that we must follow?

These questions dicate how we act and what we consider the most important.

So it can seriously dig under our skin when someone doesn't follow those unwritten rules.

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Men Share Their Favorite Unwritten Rules Of The Bro Code
Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

The subset of men that fall under the "Bro" umbrella is by now a well-understood facet of modern culture. Some self-identify as a bro. Others have the title foisted upon them.

Let's look at some definitions.

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