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There's little more frustrating than a mystery that was never solved.

The victim's family never gets closure, a killer may still be at large, and our minds continue to spin trying to figure out how something happened.

Perhaps most frustrating of all is knowing that there is an explanation for it out there somewhere.

And, there are people desperate to find it.

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People Break Down The One Unsolved Mystery They'd Like To See Answered In Their Lifetime

When a tragedy happens it sticks with the community for a long time. However, when such an event goes unsolved then it becomes a point of interest.

One of the most famous disappearances from my childhood was what happened to Jonbenet Ramsey. As a young child, I didn't understand then what horrible things could have happened except that this beautiful girl about my age was missing and her parents missed her.

It is one of those unsolved cases that has always stuck with me and is so sad that her family never received any answers. One Redditor wanted to share which unsolved cases kept them up wondering.

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People Break Down The Creepiest Unsolved Mysteries They've Ever Heard
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Documentary shows like Unsolved Mysteries are deeply disturbing to watch. Yet, these unresolved cases have an unexplainable allure that draws people in.

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People From Small Towns Share Their Weirdest Unsolved Mysteries
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

As much as there is an allure of living in small towns, there seems to be just as much mystery.

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People Break Down Their Favorite Unsolved Mysteries From The Early Days Of The Internet
Photo by Blake Lisk on Unsplash

Back in ye olden days of my baby internetness, I stumbled across an image of a kitten shoved into a glass cube. The explanation for the image was that these kittens would live their lives in these jars and grow into that shape.

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