unsolved mysteries

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People Break Down The Biggest Unsolved Mysteries In Human History
Photo by Heather Wilde on Unsplash

History is full of mystery.

There are things we may never know.

That is true, but some answers have to be possible.

Are we looking hard enough?

Humans have murdered, robbed, and pillaged their way all over the Earth.

We've left a trail of unknown scattered throughout time.

This is why history is so fascinating.

There will always be new and obscure topics for documentaries.

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People Break Down The One Unsolved Mystery They'd Most Love To Crack

There are just some stories that will never have a resolution. And that is maddening! Isn't it? For instance, we all want to know, once and for all... who killed Jonbenet? The truth... we are all probably going to the grave without that answer. And we will never crack the mystery of many other life quandaries. Then there are the tales of the world of science. Is the big bang real... are there aliens... So much to ponder. So little time.

Redditor u/notyouravgredditer wanted everyone to discuss the what life mysteries that keep you up at night trying to crack by asking... [Serious] If you could learn the truth of any one mystery, urban legend or conspiracy theory. What would you choose?
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An unsolved crime is the most terrifying loose end there is. For as long as the perpetrator remains unidentified, we're left knowing that there is someone out there roaming among us, hiding in plain sight as they carry that bleak past.

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Unsolved mysteries provide a very interesting piece for the human brain to sink its teeth into.

Without an answer, humans will inevitably try to solve the mystery. Have you ever found yourself on Wikipedia at 4 am trying to solve the Jonbenet Ramsay murder? Yeah, we're talking about things like that.

As such, humans gravitate toward these mysteries. We can't help it.

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Life is full of mystery and intrigue. There are so many unknowns that just nag out our psyche. As an avid murder mystery watcher I understand the feeling of frustration when you get so invested in a story only find the end of the mystery is a "who knows?" Talk about being haunted. We all want to know who the killer is or where the body is? The thought of going to the grave without answers is maddening.

Redditor u/islandniles wanted everyone to discuss what unsolved parts of the past drive them to distraction to figure out by asking.... [Serious] If you could learn the honest truth behind any rumor or mystery from the course of human history, what secret would you like to unravel?
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