unsolved mysteries

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Who doesn't love a good true crime story?

But why are we so obsessed?

I've had Dateline NBC, 20/20, 48 hours and ID Discovery on loop.

Pretty soon the beginnings of a sleuth emerge.

We know when the clues are making sense.

How do the main characters not? Let's dive in...

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People Share The Strangest Unsolved Mysteries They've Ever Come Across
Photo by Kamil Feczko on Unsplash

The first book I ever remember giving me was a massive blue book about Unexplained Mysteries. It was, in no way, age appropriate and is absolutely to blame for my lifelong obsession with the unexplained.

It's also why I know that my birthday (October 4) has seen more than its fair share of "weird stuff that probably involved aliens happened today."

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