unrealistic movies

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In real life, it’s basically impossible to get shot at 50 times and not get hit at least once. However, in movies, it happens all the time.

In real life, powerful criminals who are posing as good guys and have things to hide don’t use their pet’s name as their computer password. Again, in movies, it happens all the time.

Movies are great. They are a wonderful source of entertainment and a great way to bring talented people into the limelight. Watching a movie is a perfect activity for a date, a sleepover, or even a rainy day. However, movies are highly unrealistic.

I’m not just talking about fantasy movies, either. For example, Superman is invulnerable, so he gets a pass when he gets thrown into a building and gets right back up again. But how is it possible that the average Joe gets shot in the leg and just keeps moving? It’s not just unbelievable, but irritating too!

Redditors agree with this sentiment, as they were all too happy to share what they think are the most unrealistic -- and therefore annoying -- things that happen in movies.

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