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You never know anyone quite as well as you think you do.

Even your closest friends and family members have a way of surprising you upon revealing something about their past, or their interests and hobbies.

Sometimes, however, surprised doesn't even begin to cover how you feel about what you just learned.

Some people are so good at covering up sad, dark, even despicable elements of their lives, that you would never have known had you not somehow found out yourself.

Even if it's debatable whether or not you're better off knowing this information.

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People Describe The Most Unnerving Thing They've Ever Experienced
Pete Linforth from Pixabay

It's late at night. You're relaxing at home.

It's a still night.

It's quiet.

You're in a great mood. Everything seems just right.

What could possibly go wrong?

Well, a lot.

Your perfectly serene evening could go awry... you might hear a sound you can't quite place, only to look outside and see a strange figure on your property.

What could they want?

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