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People Break Down The Most Unhealthy Professions
Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

Finding a career is not easy.

And many professions are stressful and prone to burnout.

So what do we do?

Apparently, we keep going.

We have to work in order to get money and survive, right?

But some career choices just don't seem to be worth the coin.

The folks on Reddit stepped up to help us avoid certain career paths.

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People Break Down Which Things Everyone Claims Are Healthy But Actually Aren't At All
Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

Between articles on the internet and advertisements on television, there are enough claims about the latest, greatest healthy option to make your head spin.

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People Debate Which Items Would Be Sold In A McDonald's 'Sad Meal'
Image by Fernando Villalobos from Pixabay

There is a clear reason why the insanely unhealthy--and inhumane--food of McDonald's continues to draw long lines at the drive-thru and entire sports teams on the bus ride home from a game: MARKETING.

The McDonald's brand is synonymous with comfort, consistency, and even family.

Nowhere is that core essence reflected better than in the "Happy Meal."

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Over 70% Of Couples Hide Their Unhealthy Eating Habits From Their Partner
d3sign/Getty Images

Over half of Americans are cheating on their partners — with food, according to new research.

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