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Between all the movies coming out and various streaming services we have to pick from, we're really at the top of the entertainment era right now.

But despite how much we have to pick from, there are some pretty unlikeable characters out there, and some of them are in some predominant, if not leading, roles.

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Rich People Describe The Craziest Thing They've Ever Seen Someone Spend Money On
Jp Valery on Unsplash

Those who are wealthy have the luxury of acquiring the best of the best–whether it's dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant or status-identifying clothing from Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent.

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People Break Down Their School's Most Unethical Practices
Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

Egregious acts and unethical practices have happened in schools since they first began.

Not too long ago, the news was filled with stories and commentary on Paris Hilton's YouTube documentary where she opened up about her time in the troubled teen industry.

In Canada, the Indigenous community is bringing home the lost native children that were discovered in unmarked graves in former residential schools. The same reckoning began in the U.S. in 2016.

Though we may not be seeing these extreme examples of unethical actions in public schools today, there are still grievances among our youth. We went to AskReddit to hear about the things we force our students to bear.

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People Share The Most Unethical Thing Their Boss Has Ever Asked Them To Do
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

A boss can make or break a job.

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