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Legendary fashion designer Coco Chanel once famously quipped, "before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory."

Indeed, sometimes it is truly remarkable how one item, be it a wrap, a hat or a brooch, can ruin the whole effect of an outfit.

In some extreme cases, it might also result in making someone's physical appearance seem worse than it is, by inadvertently emphasizing one of their less flattering features.

Then too, there are various accessories or types of clothing which simply never look good on anyone, under any circumstances.

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People Explain Which Things Aren't Nearly As Attractive As Everyone Thinks
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Be it to impress a first date, prospective in-laws, or one's boss, many people have a tendency to overcompensate, or adjust their normal behavior.

This is all done in the hopes that they'll impress these people by showing off their enormous wealth, remarkable intelligence or the like.

In doing so, however, their efforts to impress don't often succeed.

In fact, they might inadvertently find themselves putting these people off, resulting in an even bigger uphill battle than they began with.

Redditor NeonRunaway was curious to hear what things people tend to falsely believe come off as appealing to others, leading them to ask:

"What’s not nearly as attractive as people think?"
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People Describe Which Things Are Not As Attractive As People Think
Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

How often do you look at a person or society as a whole and think... "Um, no. Just no?"

What are people thinking?

How do we leave the house in various states of disarray and think its fashion?

There are trends and behaviors that are just over, in fact they never really were.

Yet so many people persist.

We need to put together a guidebook of what's in and out.

And what never was.

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People Divulge Which Traits Instantly Make A Guy Unattractive
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

"How does someone so sexy be so damn repulsive, babe?" is one of my favorite lyrics from one of my favorite criminally underrated TV shows, Star. It's from the song Ain't About What You Got (a song which was originally for Ariana Grande, so it's got some vocal leaps) - which basically is the soundtrack to this article.

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Women Break Down The Least Attractive Qualities That Men Actually Think Make Them Hot
Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Like male birds with vibrant feathers and complicated mating ritual dances, straight men will go to absurd lengths to win the attention of women.

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