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Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Something all too easily forgotten in this world of unrealistic, not to mention unhealthy, standards regarding beauty and physical appearance.

Making it all the more upsetting that there are still people in this world who actually feel the need to call people "ugly" right to their faces.

Luckily, those on the receiving end of that unnecessary bullying often have enough self-worth that they have just the right response should such an unfortunate situation arise.

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People Reveal Which Situation They Most Regret Being An A$$hole

Mirjana Seba / EyeEm / GettyImages

We all have bad moments, bad days, bad phases in life. It's been said that everyone is the villain in someone's story - and sometimes we are the villain even in our own.

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My (15M) sister (17F) was voted ugliest girl of her year and it's crushing her. I need help on how to comfort her. First of all u/GladBus0 is the kind of sibling we all deserve and should be... and he has an issue he needs some guidance on. Listen close....

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