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Jar Jar Binks

All it takes to ruin what could've been the perfect TV show or movie is one character.

There could be several reasons for this.

One, it could be because audience members are unable to separate the indiscretions of an actor off-camera who was maybe embroiled in a drawn-out court case.

Or, it might be due to a horribly written character that either makes zero contributions to the over-arching plot or has distracting idiosyncrasies.

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Person aiming a remote at a TV
Erik Mclean/Unsplash

TV enthusiasts could argue that shows on television are a more compelling and superior form for media entertainment.

A story arc can be played out to its fullest potential without shortchanging the audience with a two-and-a-half hour duration of a film.

While movies are in their own category, TV shows–including short miniseries–can engage an audience over a span of seasons as long as there is more stories to tell.

Some TV shows break away from the formula and can feature anthology–or standalone–episodes that are impressive in their own right.

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Person pointing remote at TV
Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

Perhaps the main thing that keeps people returning to their favorite tv shows is the characters.

Be it heroes we love to see in action, the villains who we love to hate, or the friend group we wish we were a part of, nothing brings people greater joy than being part of their world for 30 minutes to an hour each week, or devoting an afternoon to bingeing.

Indeed, it's often the family shows people tend to resonate with the most, sometimes wishing their family could be more like what they see on television.

Particularly when it comes to fathers.

Be it a carefree, fun-loving goofball like Modern Family's Phil Dunphy or a sensitive neat freak like Full House's Danny Tanner, TV dads have earned a special place in the hearts of viewers.

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People Explain Which Movie Scenes They Have An Incredibly Difficult Time Watching
Photo by Taine Noble on Unsplash

Movies can mold who we are.

Some stories caught on film leave an impression that we take with us through our dying breaths.

That's why the arts and artists are so vital.

But there are some movies and specifically movie moments that can be to much to rewatch.

We may love the movie, but a certain scene may always be on the fast forward list.

Sometimes it's all too real.

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Person aiming remote control at the TV
Erik Mclean/Unsplash

The amount of shows that have aired in the history of television is a lengthy one, and the ones we know of are the ones that have been picked up by the networks.

There are tons of other ideas that have been pitched that have not seen the light of day and some that have been produced and presented as pilot episodes but eventually scrapped due to a variety of reasons.

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